Data & AI Agency

Turning data
into insights

From improving business performance to AI based decision making. We help businesses realize their digital dreams.
Let's drink coffee


The first step is making sense of your data. By creating KPI dashboards and reports, we turn your data into insights.

More about analytics


Lay the groundwork for predicting future trends and behaviors. We create predictive AI models based on the data you collect.

More about prediction


Finally, you can start implementing actionable steps based on your predictions to attain your organizational goals.

More about prescription

Direct insight into all your data with our Data Platform

With our Data Platform we directly connect your applications and provide direct insight for every team.
Data digital team member

Data Strategy Day

At the Data Strategy Day, you collaborate with our experts to formulate a comprehensive data strategy, laying the foundation for your organization's data-driven initiatives. Together, we'll define primary objectives and establish a transparent roadmap to guide the implementation of the strategy.

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More about the strategy day


We examine your data to determine its potential in aligning with your objectives. Employing thorough analysis, we unveil valuable insights and patterns, identifying potential areas for optimization. If needed, we also assist in organizing and structuring your collected data.

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Plan a datacheck
White board action shot
Data Digital HQ impression


Regularly, we provide a detailed data report featuring insights and personalized expert advice. These reports go beyond presenting raw data; they translate information into actionable recommendations that align with your specific goals and objectives.

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Data Sprints

Through two-week sprints, we engage in collaborative efforts to advance toward your goals. Each sprint is a well-organized and time-bound endeavor. This agile approach guarantees that your objectives stay at the forefront of our efforts.

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Data Agency release celebration
Use case

AI stock level prediction

JustStock streamlines the entire supply chain, seamlessly managing everything from procurement to storage. With JustStock, you gain real-time insights into stock locations and requirements. Our advanced algorithm predicts future stock levels, prompting timely actions for procurement or relocation. All of this is seamlessly integrated into a user-friendly data application.

We propel app growth with a team of direct and data-driven creatives

Team picture of Coffee Digital
Team van Coffee Digital
App Promoten
Saas marketing bureau

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How can we help?

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